Monday, October 15, 2012

Dirt! The Event November 4th!

Dirt! the Event, The Film, The Food


Sunday November 4th, 2012  5pm

Wild Goose Creative  $10 for tickets

Bring your compost and soil questions to the Film screening of Dirt! : A movie with heart and soil. Root vegetable cooking competition, and Root Vegetable themed art gallery too!.
Bring a root vegetable dish for the competition! Come be inspired by root vegetable inspired artwork! All proceeds go to Wild Goose Creative and Franklinton Gardens!
Schedule: Sunday, November 4, 2012
5:00PM @ WGC | Food, Art & Conversation, Dirt! Root Vegetable food competition judging
6:00PM @ WGC| Screening: Dirt! The Movie followed by Q&A discussion
7:30PM @ WGC | Dirt! Root Vegetable food competition judging winner announced
The Event
We will learn about dirt and soil and its beauty, starting with Dirt! The Movie: A movie with heart and soil. Afterward we’ll continue the party with a Q&A panel about healthy soil and composting with local experts. Root vegetable cooking competition will feature a host of local entries judged by our Q&A guest panelists. And if that wasn’t enough this special evening will also feature a collection of talented local visual artists and crafters riffing on this uniquely themed gallery.
The Film
DIRT! The Movie–directed and produced by Bill Benenson and Gene Rosow–takes you inside the wonders of the soil. It tells the story of Earth’s most valuable and underappreciated source of fertility–from its miraculous beginning to its crippling ruin. “Drought, climate change, even war are all directly related to the way we are treating dirt.”
The Food!
Root Vegetable Cooking Competition
Fall is the season for root vegetables. Do you have a favorite way to eat or prepare root vegetables? Do you have a fantastic recipe to share? Then we would love to have you share your dish with us! Register at Prizes will be awarded for the judges’ favorite root vegetable dishes. Entries are welcome in any category and will be judged based on taste, texture, visual appeal, and creativity. Please make your entry for 30-40 people. Contest is limited to 12 entries, so register soon!

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